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Development Tech Packs

A detailed development tech pack is crucial to getting your line off to a strong start.  With thorough trim and materials information, detail sketches and specs, your factories will be able to create more accurate protos and 1st samples, reducing sampling costs.

Development Tech Packs

A detailed development tech pack is crucial to getting your line off to a strong start.  With thorough trim and materials information, detail sketches and specs, your factories will be able to create more accurate protos and 1st samples, reducing sampling costs.

Fittings and fit comments

Once you have your 1st samples, fitting and providing comprehensive fit comments, including pattern corrections or working directly with the patternmaker, is an important next step to a perfect finished product.

Fittings and fit comments

Once you have your 1st samples, fitting and providing comprehensive fit comments, including pattern corrections or working directly with the patternmaker, is an important next step to a perfect finished product.

The finished product

With the proper attention to detail and collaboration with design throughout the process, your deliveries are on time and on budget all while reflecting the original design intent.  

The finished product

With the proper attention to detail and collaboration with design throughout the process, your deliveries are on time and on budget all while reflecting the original design intent.  

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